Perth home stylist, circular economist, and repurposing specialist - Collette Leeuwangh.

“What if it’s as simple as getting to know how a client would like to live and using as much as what they already have as possible with a bit of thrifted, vintage & new thrown in rather than the other way around?” - Collette

I recently visited Collette’s gorgeously mid-century home in Hamilton Hill. You can see it here.

Latest News? Collette’s own garden was recently featured on Apartment Therapy.


Collette is the savvy stylist behind Alida and Louise, an interior styling business that creates beautiful spaces that are anything but ordinary…and that’s because these spaces are inspired by their inhabitants and their eclecticism, and not the design trends or passing whims.

Inspired by her Dutch aunties Alida and Louise, Collette was filling her own home with thrifted homewares, furniture & decor that was once considered a little low brow. Fast forward to 2022 and suddenly the sustainability train has finally caught up with the masses particularly when it comes to home decor and interior design.

DON’T THROW IT AWAY!!! Is something we are all far more conscious of, because, with a little repositioning, a stylist’s touch, a lick of paint perhaps, or a little restoration; your own pieces have many new lives yet to live.

This is where Collette comes into the fold in a big way because she’s somewhat a specialist in the art of retaining as much as she is an aficionado at vintage shopping and mixing old, with new, and repurposed. With highly sought-after #midcenturymodern items dominating FB Marketplace, Gumtree, and the local markets - people are cottoning on to the fact that their items are indeed to be treasured and that the ‘fusion’ is the new black.

But Collette is far more than a repurposing specialist or circular economist; rather, it’s the spacial awareness where the Alida and Louise services really shine. You’d be surprised how many of us have pockets of wasted space in our everyday areas that make them near impossible to use well.

She’s also a superb collector and hoarder of beautiful things, so once she’s come and given your place the breathing room it needs, she may have one-off pieces that you can buy on the fly to add another little layer of that special something in as well.